Paul was the Octopus that predicted who would win in the world cup and every time he predicted rite...
Well sadly Paul died two days ago. But Paul will never be forgotten, Paul is the Spanish teams new mascot and toys are being made in Paul's honor...
Just before Paul died he made his last ever prediction for who will win the 2018 World Cup so for all you England supporters its seems to be pretty good news... but will Paul be rite?
this website is a frendly website that people of all ages should feel welcome to use, and it helps your find the best for less!
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Saturday, 23 October 2010
When you've got the money there's so many places to go on holiday too! England, Ireland, Wales... but Space would probably be the last thing on your mind! In about nine months you just might find your self flying into outa Space. So if I were you I would save up every penny I own just so that I could be one of the first people to ever go on holiday to Space.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
best ds game
the best ds game is animal crossing. im sure peop[le would agree with me!
its a great game i love it!..............i hope you do to
its a great game i love it!..............i hope you do to
latest nokia
We’ve already seen Nokia phones from the C5 series, and it seems that the Finish phonemaker is working on a new phone for the C5 series that will be named C5-03.
Nokia have finished there latest phone the C5 series but it seem that they haven't quete run out of ideas yet as we managed to get a sneaky peak at the latest phone they've been working on. The C5-03 which is totally touch screen containing no buttons what so ever!
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
baby smooth feet
if your running low on money and are in desperate need of at foot softning at the spa then worry no more...
for this you will need a few magazines a bucket of water and some oats.
take of your socks and shoes or whatever you wearing on your feet then put them in the bowl full of water then put some of the oats that are in the bag into the bowl of water and leave your feet in there for 10-15 minuets but remember not to make the water to warm or else you will end up with your feet in porridge
for this you will need a few magazines a bucket of water and some oats.
take of your socks and shoes or whatever you wearing on your feet then put them in the bowl full of water then put some of the oats that are in the bag into the bowl of water and leave your feet in there for 10-15 minuets but remember not to make the water to warm or else you will end up with your feet in porridge
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Blackbury Vs iPad
Somehow when it comes to technolagy Apple always take the throne but for a while now Blackbury has taken over. That was untill Apple released iPad but this time there is no over way to decide than to let the people in this staneage to decide so its up to you who wins... Blackburry or iPad who will win? its your call
the ds of the futre
if anyone ever knew that the company nintendo would ever come up with something like this then you really are truly amazing... i never thought id see the day when someone would come up with something like this... i hope that this is kept in memory for the next time someone discovers something amazing. i Think this will lead us to the futre generasion
3D T.V
experiance the all new feel of the cinema right in your front room cause they have just released 3D T.V on Ski... So if your a person who loves T.V then you better get a move on before ski are all sold out!
if you dont have ski then you shouldnt worry becuase if you can be patient enough to wait for a couple more months/weeks then you to could soon be watching a bunch of 3D movies in your living room but im afraid that all you freeview viewers are just going to have to hang on for a bit longer untill you can get your home cinemas...
if you dont have ski then you shouldnt worry becuase if you can be patient enough to wait for a couple more months/weeks then you to could soon be watching a bunch of 3D movies in your living room but im afraid that all you freeview viewers are just going to have to hang on for a bit longer untill you can get your home cinemas...
Monday, 27 September 2010
Ugly Betty

i cant wait to see it. And guess what the episodes are all brand new and never seen before so make sure your ready and waiting to see it again.. Yey for Ugly Betty (who by the way isnt as ugly as she sounds)!
Mc Vities
If you love Mc Vities buiscuits then your going to love this... The all new Mc Vities club for V.I.P"S is now on. Every time you buy a pack of Mc Vities buiscuits you will get a special promotion code. You use this code to go online to were you can win special prizes online. So all you buiscuit lovers get online now....!
pets at home
if you love and care for your pet then you should know that the place they love most is "pets at home"
There is absolutly no excuise as to never have taken your pet to pets at home. They have the widest range of things for your pet to chew eat and play with world wide and they sell pets.
Visit your nearest Pets At Home today after all pets at home si were pets come first.
KFC Crushems

tingling your taste buds untill they cant take it no more, giving your unquenched fist its ultilmate desire, making life worth every while... Have you tasted it yet? everyone loves them so theres no excuise for your stomach not to have stried it unless your planning totture! get down to K.F.C today...
Ahh... You never forget your first Krushem!
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Sony Ericsson x10 mini
The Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini should be nothing more than a shrunken version of the Xperia x10 but in reality it's a whole new phone that gives Android a complete makeover.
Oh yes, it's small. Sony Ericsson isn't joking when it says the Xperia X10 Mini is the same size as a credit card. Obviously it's a lot thicker, but the overall size and weight of the super-small Android phone is about equivalent to a packet of Swan matches. It is tiny.
The exterior is smooth with only three buttons on the face of the phone – Menu, Home and Back – and there's no D-pad or joystick whatsoever here.
It's very light and could possibly do with feeling a little heavier, if only so it doesn't blow out of your hand in a breeze. But for a phone so affordable – currently going for around £200 on PAYG deals – the X10 Mini has a remarkably high-class feel about it.
amazon kindle
The amazon kindle has shed new light into the world of reading...
you can now choose from over 50,000,000 books to read and the amazon kindle lasts a life time so theres no waist in money. there is only one problem with the amazon kindle:
You can only buy it off of and asif that wasnt enought you can only buy it in dollars and the money also has to come streight from your bank account and could take a couple of days to be delivered! But on the plus side its a great gadget to have.
make do and mend
In the second world war they were only aloud to buy 1 item of clothing a year as the ships that were shiping in cargo from other countries kept getting bombed by the Germans so you had to make do with what you had. This is when people started a campain known as the "make do and mend".
What the make do and mend campaigners did instead of going and buying a new item of clothing was to get an old item of clothing and customise it.
But soon after the war ended people decided that this was such a good idea that they caried on using the teqnuique "make do and mend" people still use it today
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
The lovely scent of lacoste perfume for him and her. One sniff of the stuff is enough for you to want to buy a whole shopload of the stuff.
buetiful eyes
the choices of eye shadows are endless theres so many colours and so many brands there no reason why you should ever be without one. i personaly recomend loreal parris as it is very friendly and gives the maximum affect each time.
Next time your out shopping you should buy loreal pares million lashes its affect is priceless and at the price of only $10.95p its a girls best friend.3DS
Nintendo have become very popular over the years and every time they make something new they totally outstand us... but this time they have invented a totally amazing ds called the 3DS.
It has a 2mp camera and the same size screen as the xl. and when ever you turn it on everything will apear in 3D that isnt the best bit though... the best thing about it is that you dont even have to wear glasses to experiance the wonderfulness of 3D you can see it through youre own eyes.
It has a 2mp camera and the same size screen as the xl. and when ever you turn it on everything will apear in 3D that isnt the best bit though... the best thing about it is that you dont even have to wear glasses to experiance the wonderfulness of 3D you can see it through youre own eyes.
nail varnishes
No more wires!
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wireless tv |
The plazma T.V has been in the shop windows for a long time now and we all love the design but there"s still one problem... Wires! The most frust streighting thing ever i know. That is why big brands have now been working on a total new way of watching T.V... its so big and so brilliant it could change the world completely and once its been released into the world of technoligy the only place youll be seing wires is in the muesiam...!
yes you guessed it there is now the wireless T.V. and thats not all they"ve been working on lately. Theres now the wireless wii, x-box, computer...
No one quete knows how they do it cause they wont tell encase over companys copy them but im sure that pretty soon the mistery will be revealed to all!
Auterm fashion
Last winter ugg boots andpom pom"s were a masive hit to the U.K and became the latest clothing in fashion...
But this winter its a whole new story!
Of all the clothing ever made this winters biggest brands in clothing are the Ugg boots, skinny jeans, a tarten shirt and on top of this you wear the bikers jacket. So now you"ve been told what to wear for the season there"s no excuse for your wardrobes not to be bursting with style...
But this winter its a whole new story!
Of all the clothing ever made this winters biggest brands in clothing are the Ugg boots, skinny jeans, a tarten shirt and on top of this you wear the bikers jacket. So now you"ve been told what to wear for the season there"s no excuse for your wardrobes not to be bursting with style...
made in daginham
you might have heard of the film made in Dagenham...
the film "made in Dagenham" is based on a real life story i wont go into it to much but i will tell you that without this part of life then the fashion industry. Well there would be no such thing as fashion! so this is to say thanks to the Dagenham girls...!
the film "made in Dagenham" is based on a real life story i wont go into it to much but i will tell you that without this part of life then the fashion industry. Well there would be no such thing as fashion! so this is to say thanks to the Dagenham girls...!
Saturday, 18 September 2010
whos board?
hey guys,
im board!!!!!!
and i need to have some company so can use guys write randome comments
im board!!!!!!
and i need to have some company so can use guys write randome comments
Friday, 17 September 2010
looking to be on a program
the B.B.C have been working on a program called my life documentry.
this film is based on a normal childs life. If you would like to be in this film then you must live in...
Old kent road, East street or on the Aylesbury estate area. this is a short clip they have wrote.
In these difficult times, BBC ONE is making a film with kids who are growing up in families that struggle to
make ends meet - to find out what really matters to them.
They are looking for chatty 7-13 year olds, who want to talk about school life, housing issues, the things
they get up to get up to and what there dreams are...
If you are interested to learn more please call / text Lily on: 07843096546 and they"ll call you right back!
or check out for more details
this film is based on a normal childs life. If you would like to be in this film then you must live in...
Old kent road, East street or on the Aylesbury estate area. this is a short clip they have wrote.
In these difficult times, BBC ONE is making a film with kids who are growing up in families that struggle to
make ends meet - to find out what really matters to them.
They are looking for chatty 7-13 year olds, who want to talk about school life, housing issues, the things
they get up to get up to and what there dreams are...
If you are interested to learn more please call / text Lily on: 07843096546 and they"ll call you right back!
or check out for more details
moving on from helpful tips to cool clothing...
Back in the fashion industrey the latest clothing is checkered tartan here are a-few examples of matching colours to go on your fashionable clothing:
im sure you"ll be able to find many more if you go to other shops like M&S, New Look, Next, Peackocks and loads more in the Westend.
Good luck and remember if there is anything you want to know or need to talk about then E-Mail me at thank-you
Back in the fashion industrey the latest clothing is checkered tartan here are a-few examples of matching colours to go on your fashionable clothing:
im sure you"ll be able to find many more if you go to other shops like M&S, New Look, Next, Peackocks and loads more in the Westend.
Good luck and remember if there is anything you want to know or need to talk about then E-Mail me at thank-you
buety tips to get you going
next time your out shopping grab afew things more and you just might be as beautiful as that chocolate moose you ate secretly last night...
1. Tinted Moisturizer with SPF. With one swipe, you get hydrated skin, a sheer wash of color, and protection from the ultimate ager, the sun.
2. Convertible color. Instead of juggling separate lipsticks, blush, and eye shadow, choose a single chubby stick or pot of color that prettifies all over.
3. Brighten eyes. Use a bit of highlighter on the inner corners of your eyes and coat lashes with a glossy, lengthening mascara for a bright-eyed look. Also try using a white eye pencil on the inner rims of eyes.
4. Conditioner as shaving cream. Coat the bottom half of your strands with conditioner, and while it's doing the work of penetrating your dry strands with moisture, use another squirt to shave your legs.
5. Fix a self-tanner gaffe. Dip a cotton ball in lemon juice and run over streaky areas -- lemon juice is a natural exfoliator and skin lightener.
1. Tinted Moisturizer with SPF. With one swipe, you get hydrated skin, a sheer wash of color, and protection from the ultimate ager, the sun.
2. Convertible color. Instead of juggling separate lipsticks, blush, and eye shadow, choose a single chubby stick or pot of color that prettifies all over.
3. Brighten eyes. Use a bit of highlighter on the inner corners of your eyes and coat lashes with a glossy, lengthening mascara for a bright-eyed look. Also try using a white eye pencil on the inner rims of eyes.
4. Conditioner as shaving cream. Coat the bottom half of your strands with conditioner, and while it's doing the work of penetrating your dry strands with moisture, use another squirt to shave your legs.
5. Fix a self-tanner gaffe. Dip a cotton ball in lemon juice and run over streaky areas -- lemon juice is a natural exfoliator and skin lightener.
my lovely advise
1. Basic hair with a boost. You only have time for a ponytail or bun. Dress it up with a headband, tease a little volume at the crown, add a blingy barrette, or wrap a piece of your own hair around the ponytail holder for some polish points.
2. Nice nails. When you step out of the shower, rub a bit of olive oil into the nail bed and cuticles to heal delicate, raggedy skin.
3. 2-in-1. Use a combo cleanser and toner on your face, hydrating body washes in the shower (so you can skip lotion), exfoliating body washes, and a shampoo-conditioner combo
2. Nice nails. When you step out of the shower, rub a bit of olive oil into the nail bed and cuticles to heal delicate, raggedy skin.
3. 2-in-1. Use a combo cleanser and toner on your face, hydrating body washes in the shower (so you can skip lotion), exfoliating body washes, and a shampoo-conditioner combo
time for slippers to be cozy
if your looking for new slippers wich are a nightmare to get as you only have a little amount of money and your feet are absolutly killing you the just go to peackocks... Im telling you the shoes are gorgeouse and the price is even more amazing...
looking for shoes?
check out todays new fashion in shoes. Last time ugg boots became unbelivably popular and now there back with new styles new names... Oh and NEW FASHION!
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
from frizzy to fantastic
Oh no "your hairs gone frizzy again."
we cant let you use the hairstreightners anymore. Its costing us to much taking you to long and it isnt good for your hair! now what i hear you cry.
grab a washing machina bag and rub your hair down with it. See good as new lovely hair no catastrofie needed.
because my problem is your problem
we cant let you use the hairstreightners anymore. Its costing us to much taking you to long and it isnt good for your hair! now what i hear you cry.
grab a washing machina bag and rub your hair down with it. See good as new lovely hair no catastrofie needed.
because my problem is your problem
hair taking to long to dry
well heres the solution we"ve all been waiting forever for:
Blow dry your hair from underneath rather than aiming the front of the hair dryer at the top strands of your hair first. To do this simply just flip your head over or clip the top layers up and. Tadaah, look at your buetiful dry hair! how did you ever live without doing this before?
Blow dry your hair from underneath rather than aiming the front of the hair dryer at the top strands of your hair first. To do this simply just flip your head over or clip the top layers up and. Tadaah, look at your buetiful dry hair! how did you ever live without doing this before?
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